Official Biography

Drum Major
Staff Sergeant Elizabeth Kelson

Staff Sergeant Elizabeth I Kelson was born on 11 March 1990 in Mesa, Arizona, and later moved to Galloway, Ohio at the age of 4. She enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2014 and attended recruit training with 4th Battalion, Papa Company at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island. Upon completion of recruit training in January 2015, Private First Class Kelson was among a select group of young women Marines to attend Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry at Camp Geiger. She then reported to the Naval School of Music in Virginia Beach, VA where she completed the Basic Musician’s Course.
 In September 2015, Lance Corporal Kelson reported to Parris Island Marine Band as a Percussion Instrumentalist. In 2016, Lance Corporal Kelson was promoted to the rank of Corporal, were she served as a sound technician for the unit. In 2018, Corporal Kelson was promoted to Sergeant and served as the Platoon Sergeant, Small Ensemble Leader, Percussion Section Leader NCOIC of the unit's training section, and Unit Leader of PMG. In 2019 Sergeant Kelson graduated the Marine Corps Martial Arts Instructor Course as a Black belt instructor.
 In April 2020, Sergeant Kelson reported to Drill Instructor School Class 3-20 aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, SC. There she served as Drill Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor with 2nd Battalion, Hotel Company. She was promoted to Staff Sergeant in December 2022. In August 2023, Staff Sergeant Kelson returned to the Naval School of Music to attend the Unit Leader Course, graduating in April 2024. She is currently serving as the Drum Major for the 1st Marine Division Band.
 Staff Sergeant Kelson’s decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, gold star in lieu of second award, the Good Conduct Medal, bronze star in lieu of third award, the National Defense Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and Marine Corps Drill Instructor Ribbon.