Official Biography
Enlisted Conductor
Staff Sergeant Kevin Ashley
Staff Sergeant Kevin Ashley was born in Bremerton, WA. His family moved to Laconia, NH where he attended school. After graduating from Laconia High School, he joined the United States Marine Corps and was shipped to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Paris Island in June 2011. 

Upon completion of Marine Combat Training and the Naval School of Music Basic Course in 2012, Lance Corporal Ashley received orders to Marine Band San Diego, San Diego, CA where he served as a Pianist. There, he completed the Martial Arts Instructor Course for the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program in 2014. He was also promoted to the ranks of Corporal and Sergeant. 

In April 2015, Sergeant Ashley was transferred to the Third Marine Aircraft Wing Band at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, CA, where he served as Acting Drum Major and Pianist.

Sergeant Ashley attended the Basic Recruiter Course in 2018. Upon completion, he was transferred to Recruiting Station Boston, MA where he served as Canvassing Recruiter and was promoted to his current rank. In January 2020, Staff Sergeant Ashley was appointed as the Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of Recruiting Sub-Station Dover, NH.
Upon successful completion of his recruiting tour in 2021, Staff Sergeant Ashley was transferred to the 1st Marine Division Band at Camp Pendleton, CA where he served as Platoon Sergeant and Pianist. He currently serves as the Band’s Enlisted Conductor.

Staff Sergeant Ashley’s personal decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, gold star in lieu of third award; the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal; and the Good Conduct Medal, bronze star in lieu of third award.